Thursday, May 24, 2012

Cultivating our marriage

Weekly date nights of late have entailed a stopover at a time-honored ice cream parlor to indulge our shared passion for ice creamy sweet treats IMG_1676
IMG_1656 and moseying downtown before the sun sets
IMG_1625 to patronize a magical musical revue of Follies. IMG_1619I don't know what tickled my fancy more: watching a dazzling tale reminiscent of blissful vaudeville days, or glancing over to discern the Mister's bewildered face during the show's entirety, which usually happens when he is subjected to storylines that haphazardly break out into song and dance numbers. As our dear friend said, "When you're married, your preferences adapt to [your spouse's] preferences." It is true. Our preferences are marrying and adapting all over the place, in the sweetest way possible.

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