What a blessed reminder of the glory of Christ's death and resurrection this past weekend. Though I am wretched and deserving of eternal wrath, God sent His beloved son to pay for my sin on the cross. Christ suffered on our behalf so that we would have access to an eternal relationship with the Father. What beautiful news, especially because He rose again on the third day, conquering death and sin on the cross! Though I continue to fail and sin up the wazoo, there is forgiveness and hope in the cross. We have such a gracious and merciful God.
We had a pretty packed weekend, but Resurrection Sunday was so special. It was a joyous celebration of the hope we have in our risen Lord and Savior. We dressed up a smidgen more than usual for the occasion. Alex wore his usual suit and tie. Serene wore a vintage hand-me-down dress and a mama-made felt floral crown that I made for her first birthday, which didn't fit until now. I tried to find a dress in the closet that accommodates a 33 week baby bulge. Sunday service with our church family was especially sweet. We had a baptismal celebration that afternoon, where we witnessed nine individuals declare that they are new creations in Christ. It was a beautiful testament to God's glorious work in the lives of sinners. There was also an egg hunt afterward for the kiddos. We spent the evening commemorating the resurrection with dear family in Christ who display toward us His sacrificial love time and time again. We feasted, egg hunted, and reflected on God's goodness to us in Jesus. Alex and I even got to practice gospel-centered reconciliation with one another because we got into a fiesty "sinfest" (as Alex would call it) right before we got to the party. Thankful that God does not leave us in our sin, and for brothers and sisters in Christ who point us toward Christ and the hope in the gospel!
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