Family pictures were one of Alex's requests for his birthday last week. I eagerly obliged, although achieving a decent family picture with two babies is nearly impossible. As I look through these pictures, I can't help but smile in thankfulness that they're not "perfect." They impress upon me the special season of life we're in with two little loves. I was trying to persuade Serene to smile for the camera although she naturally thought it more fun to play dolls with me. Alex was attempting to keep Valor calm (it was time for him to nurse) while sporting a forced smile because he regretted his new haircut, which he joked unintentionally makes him look like an Asian version of Vanilla Ice.
Nevertheless, the photos sum up the celebration of our favorite guy. Alex had simple requests, among which included a light saber, good food, and the company of family and friends. We had a casual dinner with friends earlier last week, followed by a feast with family at his favorite fancy restaurant the evening of his birthday. It was timely that his birthday fell just a few days before Father's Day. Hence, we doubled the merry-making. Although we intended to spoil Alex, he ended up serving us. On his birthday, he took Serene out to run errands in the morning so I could focus on taking care of Valor and resting. He used his birthday money not to treat himself to new books, but to buy Serene a new doll. Even the light saber he asked for is meant for future combat with Valor.
I am so blessed to be gifted a husband in Alex who loves Jesus above all. He shepherds our family and our church in the truth with love, but not without personal conviction of what he preaches. He graciously serves us because he desires our joy in Christ. He grants us his undivided presence in everyday life, which is a precious gift to me and our kiddos. He models in his life the sacrificial love of Christ, which is a beautiful reflection of our heavenly Father's love for us. He conducts himself with humility and integrity, exercising great patience with me amid squabbles and often initiating reconciliation. He leads our family with his eyes fixed upon Jesus, fully aware that it is by grace alone in the gospel that he is able to accomplish any of the aforementioned good works. God uses Alex to help me taste and see that He is so good. It is a privilege to be his helpmate. So thankful our children have Alex for a father, who models and teaches them the ways of the Lord for their ultimate, everlasting joy. We love him so!
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