This week is Vacation Bible School (VBS) at our church. It's Serene's second VBS (her first one last year was a special one) and she is loving being around so many friendly little ones. This year, she actually attempts to dance (i.e. wave her hands in the air. clap, or stomp her feet) along to the songs, which prompts Alex and me to foolishly grin and laugh like exceedingly proud parents. So grateful our children have the privilege of growing up hearing beautiful gospel truth on a regular basis so that they might follow Jesus one day. Since Serene is at VBS for four hours every day this week, I feel like I'm on vacation too with just one babe during that timeframe. Valor is twelve weeks, so I'm not serving on staff this year and we didn't enroll him in the Babies/Toddlers class with his big sister. Instead, I've been toting him around as I spend time with other mama friends I don't get to see often due to the hullabaloo of everyday life caring for our respective families. We've gotten to chat our hearts out, eat breakfast at local eateries, and even visit a thrift shop. This time fellowshipping with others has been such sweet refreshment to my soul. Thank you, Lord, for all the blessings of VBS!
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