We heralded Serene's golden birthday two days ago with a special breakfast (layered pound cake slices, strawberry Greek yogurt, strawberries, and orange juice) and her gift: a mama-made mermaid softie, her third request besides a mermaid tea party and chocolate cake. Since she had been asking me to sew her a mermaid doll, she was so excited to meet her new lovie. I gave the doll a heart "ballerina bun" (Serene's favorite hairstyle), and a mermaid tail in orange, Serene's favorite color. She turned out much larger than I had anticipated - nearly as tall as Serene herself, but it's so cute to see her loved already. Serene named her Isa, short for Isabelle. Isa currently accompanies her wherever she goes. After breakfast, we spent the midmorning at Disneyland, where the refreshingly balmy weather facilitated the loveliest time celebrating our sweet girl. I can't believe we have a three-year-old. Serene Joy is perky, chatty, silly, and sweet. She is inquisitive, talks and sings all day long, loves spending time with friends, prefers wearing dresses, answers catechism questions with gusto, insists on doing things by herself, cares for her little brother, and enjoys role playing. She says silly things that make us laugh like "My tummy hurts. I need ice cream." She is such an inexpressible treasure to our family. We thank the Lord for granting her three years of life thus far. We love you so, Serene Joy Joy! May you come to know the Lord's deep love for you which surpasses all the world has to offer.
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