Summer has treated us quite well. We're all super tanned as a result. Serene officially starts pre-k this fall (next week) as she turns four in less than a month. We've been doing some gentle homeschooling since October 2016, learning a letter every week or two, except for the weeks leading up to and after Reverie's birth. We're finishing up letter Z this week, which is why we're not starting a new school year until next week. Valor has recently taken an interest in our mornings reading and learning. At almost two and a half, his attention span and dexterity are not as developed as his big sister's. However, he has been surprising me by what he's absorbing and by his predilection for all the crafty activities. It's so sweet to watch him and his sister learn together. I've had a desire to teach my own children one day ever since I taught public school as a middle and high school English teacher. I can't believe it's a reality now. Thankful (and nervous!) to be able to disciple our children. Lord, please grant me much grace, wisdom, and patience, all of which I sorely lack.
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