Saturday, February 22, 2020

Heart Day 2020

We celebrated Valentine's Day with our second annual Heart Day celebration. The kids were so excited they woke up two hours early. They dressed up, listened to Alex's meditation on 1 John 4:7-12, ran all over to find valentines on a scavenger hunt, and feasted on heart-shaped donuts. Verity sat at the table this year and stealthily enjoyed her first donut. They listened to Alex read their cards with words of affirmation to one another. They giggled and thoroughly loved it. What grace to observe the kids' love for one another grow.

P.S. Last year's Heart Day party.

1 comment:

  1. Terima kasih sudah mengizinkan saya untuk berkomentar disini, artikel anda sangat bagus sekali. izinkan kami untuk menshare nya ke web kami di
    atas izinnya kami haturkan terima kasi, semoga situs anda dan kami semakin maju dan berada di peringkat pertama google.


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