Sunday, April 12, 2020

A historic Resurrection Sunday

Christ is risen, He is risen indeed. Oh, sing hallelujah! What joy to know our Savior lives, conquering death on the cross and offering hope and peace forevermore! Where would we be without the truth of the resurrection? Thankful for the power of the gospel to change my heart, which was once dead, but is now alive in Christ Jesus. I've a long way to go, as sin clings so closely, but thankfully, He does not leave me helpless in my sin, but strengthens me to seek and do His will, even as I rebel along the way. Oh what a wonderful Savior!

We've been in quarantine for about a month now in response to COVID-19. It was so strange not to celebrate with church family this year. We gathered with church family virtually, dressed up because Alex wanted family photos, read and discussed the story of the resurrection, followed by a little egg hunt for the kids in our backyard. Praise God the gospel changes not, despite our circumstances. We can have peace and contentment in uncertain times because He lives!

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