Reverie turns four! We thank the Lord for the precious gift that is our little girl! She is sweet, free-spirited, bold, sassy, caring, and so cute. She loves playing with her siblings, especially her baby sister whom she calls “my love,” learning her letters and numbers, helping around the house, singing along to her favorite musicals, and cuddling during read-alouds. She substitutes certain words for other words, which we find adorable. She interchanges he/she along with the following:
“JieJie, BooBoo is wearing a t-shirt too! You’re going to be twinkles (twins)!”
“Are we going to decorate the cuscus tree (Christmas tree)?”
“I want to wear my coconut (polka dot) dress.”
“Mommy, what are you making for dinner (lunch)?”
“Mommy, what are you making for lunch (dinner)?”
"Are we going on the alligator (elevator)?"
"Do you have to put that in the macaroni (microwave)?"
God is softening her heart towards instruction, and we pray He grows her deeply in the knowledge of Him. We celebrated Reverie with her birthday request, a Madeline tea party, replete with madeleine cookies, chocolate covered strawberries, French macarons, fruit tarts, croissant tea sandwiches, strawberry cake, and warm tea with milk and sugar cubes, of course. Madeline's Tea Party has been one of Reverie's favorite books of late, so she received a Madeline tea set and doll for her birthday. Reverie wore a vintage, Madeline-inspired dress passed down from a friend's daughter who wore it as the Madeline-inspired bible bearer at our wedding nine years ago. We paired the yellow dress with a vintage straw hat and Reverie was the happiest Madeline on her birthday.
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