This year's Vacation Bible School (VBS) at our church was a special one. Not only was it Serene's first, but it also marked 10 years since I first attended VBS and heard the gospel for the very first time. The good news of great joy that changed my life forevermore. As I observed Serene experience VBS last week (as much as a 10 month old can, anyhow), I reflected on God's faithfulness up to this point. I never would have imagined since VBS 2004 that God would save me from my sin a year later; that He would bless me with two amazing church families throughout these past nine years; that I would learn to love Him and others through His Word, through the sweet moments, through the difficult times, and through service, namely, serving in varying capacities on VBS staff throughout the years; that I would meet my husband at church; and that my own daughter would attend her very first VBS a decade later. Serene had a blast in the Babies class, even if there was more playing, bubble-blowing, and snacking than there was gospel-comprehending ;) It encouraged my heart to witness since being a first-timer on VBS staff in 2006, the rising generations of servants, that although different, all share a unifying goal: sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. God is so very good.
P.S. I can't get over Serene's belly sticking out of her ultra slim-fit VBS shirt in the last photo. Baby bellies are the best!
Haha im in LOVE with her little belly hanging out....TOO cute! I had no idea that they can have infants at VBS. Amazing!
ReplyDeleteThat's really awesome! God knew the plans he had for you.. like the Bible says. Now your daughter will grow up knowing God's word... just like me! :D