Sleep has been evading us these days. Both babies are simultaneously teething and participating in sleep regressions. Much crankiness and overtiredness have ensued on all fronts. Both babies are particularly attached too; I'm sporting them both around my hips like fanny packs. I'm praying and pleading for extra grace. Grace to love them well and die to myself. In these moments, I often fail to grant grace to my little family. I am the opposite of patient, kind, and sacrificial. Praise God for the gospel that reminds me this is precisely why Jesus came to die for us - because we can't accomplish any of this without His grace. We all need bushels of it in the daily rhythms of life. Thankful for the gospel that reveals to me not only my desperate need for grace, but also that I am a recipient of abundant grace, all so that I can in turn give grace. Praising God that with each ebb and flow of this season of life, my failures magnify His faithfulness and goodness.
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