I'm currently 36 weeks and some days along, which means we'll get to meet our newest daughter within the next few weeks, Lord willing. Pregnancy the third time around is no easier, but just as beautiful. I asked Alex the other day, "Were the other two pregnancies hard too?" He replied, "Every pregnancy has been hard for you, but you forget about it because of the joy of having a new child." So wise and true.
It is so worth it although I'm thankful to be in the final weeks of the third trimester. I've had intensifying pelvic pain since 32 weeks, and familiar Braxton Hicks contractions since 33 weeks. Every time I'm at a doctor's appointment, she comments on how very active the baby is. The baby has been head down for quite a while now, which I've sensed since her hiccups are deep in my pelvis. I haven't been wanting to eat much these days, although I'm eating normally, preferring veggies and carbs. I'll occasionally crave cereal with milk, a plain old-fashioned donut, or boba milk tea, which Alex is all too happy to oblige. I'm moving much slower these days because of the ever-present pelvic pain. Carpal tunnel has also made an appearance these last couple of weeks, which is a first for me, since I've only ever developed carpal tunnel postpartum. My fingers and hands have been stiff enough that normal tasks take more effort throughout the day. All of these symptoms remind me of the normalcy of pregnancy - that we have a healthy, growing baby we get to steward.
Most of all, I'm trying to soak in this time with just Serene and Valor until their baby sister arrives. They are such incredible gifts. I can't believe we get another gift of a child who shall be here soon. Our dear church family threw us the loveliest baby shower last weekend, and we are so thankful to be welcoming a new babe into such sweet community. Alex preached on the great gift of the church a couple of Sundays ago, which blessed my heart and reminded me of God's goodness through his people. Thank you, Lord, for your immeasurable kindness in Christ Jesus.
SO beautiful! Happy for you all, many blessings and I love your children's names. Prayers for a happy healthy baby and a smooth last few weeks.