Just a few photos from Reverie's first day home a couple of days ago with her siblings. Serene and Valor are absolutely smitten with their new baby sister. Our hearts melt every time they look for the baby, ask about her, or try to be helpful with her. Serene keeps saying how cute Reverie is, and wants to hold her any chance she gets. Valor hugs Reverie and repeats "baby!" with a silly grin on his face. Reverie just stares at them, wide-eyed. I can't wait to see how their relationship develops.
Yesterday night, after putting Serene and Valor to bed for the night and while nursing Reverie, Alex and I realized we have three kids. Three beautiful gifts from the Lord. We are so undeserving but we are thankful we get to steward these souls. Our hearts are pressed with the weighty task of discipling their hearts and loving them well. Lord, grant us abundant grace!
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