Reverie is two! I can't believe it. Reverie was the baby and seems to have grown up overnight once her little sister arrived. We call her our big baby. She is equal parts sweet and feisty, a lover of food, her baby doll, running about, accessorizing, tea sets, puppies, being read to, listening to "Baby Shark" and the Enchanted soundtrack, hugging her baby sister, and copying everything her big brother and sister do. She still sucks her thumb when she's sleepy and sports pigtails, both which are so cute that they kill us. She is fearless; don't you dare leave her out of anything just because she's little. She wears 12-18 month and 18-24 month clothing, size 4 diapers, and size 4/5 shoes. She speaks in single words or short phrases: "ah diddih!" (I did it!), "hea go!" (Here you go!), "ah appy" (I'm happy), "yuh yoo" (love you), "feefee" (feet), "no," "yeah," "hullo' (hello), "hi," "mommy," "daddy," "deh deh (thank you), "peas" (please), "tah tah" (pasta), "yemmy" (lemon), "cookie," "tea" (tea set), "baby," "yeah yeah" (wash hands), "ah go" (go out), "shuh" (shoes), "ba" (bath), "noe" (nose), "pahpee" (puppy), "buh" (book), "boh" (blocks), "wawa" (water), "no deh deh" (no, thank you), "night!" (goodnight), "chee" (cheese), "jie jie" (big sister Serene), "goh goh" (big brother Valor), "huh" (hug), "wah foe" (waffle), "foo" (food), "tee" (brush teeth), "appoe" (apple), "shar" (baby shark), "foh-bee" (strawberries), "ha" (hat), "lie" (turn on the light), "trush" (trash), "ah gubby" (I'm coming), "kai" (baby's crying), "cuhluh" (color), "puhpuh" (paper), and "yuh-yoe" (Ariel).
For her birthday, we had a springtime tea party for her with her siblings since her birthday falls on the first day of spring. We incorporated tea and cookies, two of her favorite treats. She received a tea set of her own, which she loves, and a big girl bed, into which she is transitioning beautifully. Reverie adds so much sweetness and sass to our family. Thankful God has granted her two years of life thus far. It is a joy to watch her grow and bloom into her own. We love her so!!
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