Friday, July 27, 2012

Friday fancies: froyo

Happy weekend, friendly folks! So happy it is Friday. It's been a rough week. Nothing major, but we underwent some off and humbling moments. Realizing more and more that no matter how old we are, parents will always be, well, our parents. Thankful to have truth spoken to my heart in that regard. We are currently up in NorCal for a couple of days, as I am prepping for a dear friend's bridal shower. My sweet husband is accompanying me so I do not brave the six hour drive alone with a car full of decor. It will be his first time there, so we are hoping to score a few hours to unveil to him the beauty of idiosyncratic San Francisco. I love the city and used to venture up north twice a year during the undergrad season of life, but it has been a while. I am looking forward to a mini breather, and I am even more thrilled that my lovely friend is getting married soon. Next week will be nuts, for it shall be Vacation Bible School at our church, so there will be a throng of kiddos to share the good news with in the midst of songs, games, and summer camp festivities, in addition to work. It's moments like these when I ask the Mister, "Can we just go to Yogurtland?" Froyo never fails to pick me up when I am feeling overwhelmed. In fact, back when the Mister and I were just hanging out as friends, he would bust out philosophical and theological jargon that went way over my head. To which I would always reply with a grin, "Can we just go to Yogurtland?" 


  1. Frozen yogurt is definitely the answer to everything.

    And have fun with VBS next week! I used to help back when I was in middle school and I'll actually be helping at my church's VBS next excited for all the fun + energy + crazy cute kids!

  2. hahaha, helen! you are seriously too cute! I can just imagine you making a 6 hour drive in a car busting full of tea cups, plates and pretty things! sorry to hear about your rough week :T, am praying for you and looking forward to seeing you in a few weeks!

  3. I would like to get some froyo with you..
    Have fun in SF!

  4. yummmmm!!!

    oh and by the way, I gave you a Liebster Award!!

  5. Note to self: Get Clam Chowder when we're in SF next time! =)


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