Hope you all had a very merry Christmas! We were blessed with a sweet and simple one. We spent Christmas morning just the three (four with our littler love baking cheerily away in my womb) of us at home. Alex labored away the night before, building his Serene Joy Joy a rocking horse while she snoozed away, which is so sweet because he is a self-proclaimed un-handy man. When she woke up the next morning, she followed us into the living room where she made a beeline for her surprise, turning back at us with the hugest, giggly grins. At that moment, I totally empathized with parents who are tempted to buy their kid(s) extravagant toys - the joy on Serene's face was priceless. She got to try out her new horsey before Alex led us in singing, reading the Christmas story, and praying in reflection and gratitude of the greatest gift of all: the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Our hearts swelled to be able to devote time to celebrate the heart of the season.
Then gift-opening ensued. We've been learning that ever since we became parents, all attention is transferred onto our offspring. Such as people acknowledging only Serene's presence when they see us. Alex got a hard reality check on Christmas that it's truly not about him anymore, since 98% of the presents under the tree ended up for Serene. We laugh every time God uses these moments to teach us not to be selfish, because we are so thankful so many love our little love. Out of all the generosity bestowed unto Serene, she favored her rocking horse, her mama-made puppy purse, and a stuffed puppy (gifted by sweet family friends) most. She didn't want to get off the rocking horse, carried her purse around all day, and kept hugging her new "pah-pee." We also got her this wooden block set, which we're foreshadowing she (and her baby brother) can use for creative play in the years to come. We got to spend time with dear family over the Yuletide season as well - at my auntie's on Christmas Eve, and my mama-in-law's for Christmas lunch. Our hearts are full. Praise God for Christmas.
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