We hadn't an inkling we were going to the Huntington Library last week until a couple of days before, when a friend bestowed upon us free tickets. We had been there one other time - when we got engaged three and a half years ago. Therefore, it was a doozy to go and rehash that whirlwind of a day, except with Serene Joy in tow this time around. Alex sped walked the whole time, bent on retracing our steps on the same path we took that afternoon in July 2011. He also took the liberty to remind me how I grumbled about the blistering heat the entire time that day. I was in such a sour mood that he had to nab a spot quickly to pop the question before I reached the peak on my sin-o-meter, he teased. Apparently, I had no idea what he had in store for me. And obviously, God showered me with undeserved mercy and kindness that day.
I found the trek rather pleasant this time around, for it was a balmy and beautiful Southern California December afternoon amongst natural splendor. We even attempted to take a picture on the same exact bench at which we got engaged, but Serene was much more interested in exploring the bubbling stream before us than in sitting still for another picture. So grateful for Alex, whom God uses to astound me every single day. He is ever patient, sacrificial, and loving, even amidst my most shameful moments. He's been especially sensitive to my crazy feminine emotions and hanger (hunger + anger), and so helpful with Serene since we found out we were pregnant with our littler love, particularly back when the first trimester seemed to be an ongoing battle. We are so blessed to have Alex to lead our little family. So thankful for his steadfastness, his integrity, his love, his silliness, and his willingness to serve us in any way possible - all of which are evidences of God's grace in him and to us! Never would I have imagined we'd be where we are now that day we got engaged, but I love God's sovereignty, Alex, and our little loves so!
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