Some parenting days are better than others. We had a rough weekend; I wanted to lie down, shut my eyes, and hide from the world for a bit. There were frustrated tears, rebellious tantrums, and just plain exhaustion all around. Serene's naps were way off or didn't happen the whole weekend since we were on the go from Friday until Sunday. We continue to learn that our little love goes nutty when she doesn't get her rest, especially for three days straight. Which causes me to go nutty, and my desire to wield control rears its ugly head. When things don't fare as expected, I end up questioning if we've been making the "right" parenting decisions, and pretty much take my stress and irritation out on Alex. We've been learning to seek unity in when and how to discipline our child(ren) in love, mainly through tons of moments when we are not on the same page at times. This parenting gig is tough in the magnitude of responsibility we've been afforded to disciple our kiddo(s). I must remember I am but a vessel and God is a far better parent than I can ever be. Thankful for wisdom from God's Word, our community who Titus 2's us, forgiveness and reconciliation in Christ, my extremely patient husband, and my ever patient God. And for His mercies anew every morning, for yesterday was a beautiful new day. We spent family day at the park picnicking, getting up close and personal with the ducks, and playing on the playground. And thankfully, getting back into the swing of a normal week for us, which entails napping for Serene Joy.
you have beautiful, happy family. such a joy to read stories about your little family :)
ReplyDeletemy daughter and i love going on a picnic too! last weekend, weather was nice here in Florida, so i took her to a picnic to celebrate her birthday weekend. i bought her a bike as her birthday present and she insisted that we took it to the park so she could ride it. she rode that thing like a champ! she went around so many times lol. such joy in simple occasion :) makes my heart happy :)
Beautiful family picnic. Through my six years of motherhood, I have had the exact same doubts that you do from time to time. There are moments I regret and wish I could do better or be more patient but I think it is absolutely normal for all of us mothers. Exhaustion and frustration eventually get the best of you. I know how I was looking forward to the nap time so I could get a little break and when that didn't happen it only made the day longer for all of us. Hang in there, you have done so well.