I mentioned here that we got Serene a gift to help with her transition into big sisterhood. Because Serene is fond of babies, getting her her very own baby seemed timely since her mama would be coming home with a new baby. She has a couple of baby softies that she loves, but Alex requested a vinyl doll that would appear more realistic. I felt it was important for Serene to have a doll that looked like her so I hunted for an Asian baby doll. Despite a glaring absence of Asian-looking dolls in stores and a sparse selection online, I finally found one I felt was just right on an early education supply site that specializes in multicultural toys. I planned to make doll clothing and accessories since it didn't come with any, and ended up sewing only a cloth diaper and another accessory by the time Valor arrived. Perhaps I'll make Serene's doll an outfit someday in the future, but for now, a cloth diaper, a swaddling blanket, and a bottle will suffice.
We gave the baby doll to Serene during Valor's first full day at home. Her face lit up and she squealed, "Baby!" She was thoroughly thrilled and loved it right away. She has been captivated by her new role as a little mama who takes care of her baby: hugging her, patting her on the back, feeding her, holding her, swaddling her, playing with her, and kissing her on the head. It is a sweet sight to behold - nearly as heart-melting as her consistent affection towards Valor in these early days, which is what Alex and I hoped the doll would help foster all along.
So sweet!