Time seems to pass even more quickly with two kiddos. Valor is two months old this Saturday; the days of his tininess are already long gone and have been replaced by much squishiness. My heart swells each time he's content in my arms. Serene is twenty-one months this Friday; she's acquiring new words and phrases on the daily. My heart melts every time she speaks, as Alex says, like a little human being. Her favorite phrases lately are "Dah-joo!" ("thank you!") and "Hi boo boo!" when she greets her little brother. I am astounded by how quickly they're growing as I look through these pictures from the past month. While I would have it no other way than to witness the babies grow firsthand, pretty pictures don't usually reveal real life. Because truthfully, though the weeks flit by, the days feel like eternity at times. Particularly when Valor wails if he is not carried all day long, or when Serene throws a tantrum because she didn't get her way, right away. Which shows me my lack of patience and desire for control because I want them to behave a certain way - my way. When they don't, I get frustrated. I raise my voice. Which only exposes the greater grumbling residing in my heart. God reveals to me the ugliness of my sin in those (many) moments. Praise God for teaching me as I fail again and again that I cannot do this motherhood thing, or anything, on my own strength or wisdom. Oh, how I need God's mercies anew to remember His truths throughout the day. Thankfully, my heart has been encouraged through the Word, this book, and loved ones. By God's grace, I have been dwelling on the truth that we are living in light of eternity. How differently I would approach each day if I recall that it counts for forever because of God's redeeming love for us in Christ. Then I might recognize that though motherhood moments may appear monotonous and trivial, they are actually eternally significant. Lord, help me to hope in Christ rather than in my ever-changing circumstances so that I can prioritize an eternal perspective.
How precious are these two beautiful little persons. Hang in there. It will get easier when they are older. I have been through it all..yelling out of frustrations...getting mad and etc. Talking about feeling guilty, I think it is part of parenthood.
ReplyDeleteI can relate so closely to this scenario. It's a tricky, wonderful season raising little ones. I'm reminded of grace daily and see such love in the forgiveness of my children when I'm less than patient or kind. You are doing a great job.