I told Alex all I wanted to do for my birthday last Thursday was go thrifting and eat poke. I thought we'd have a low-key day doing just that with the kiddos. Alex totally surprised me with a full day of fun and relaxation, manifested in a handmade birthday passport. When he presented it to me, I was so confused. "What's this?" I asked. Then I thumbed through a list of twenty-eight of my favorite things and started laughing giddily. The whole endeavor was equal parts sweet, thoughtful, creative, silly, and amazing. He sent me from one destination to another, ensuring I documented each one with an instax.
We started off scouring a couple of thrift stores and then had poke for lunch. We went home to get the babies ready for their afternoon naps. Then Alex sent me to get a massage and pedicure while he held down the fort. We hoped the kids would sleep peacefully while I was gone, but apparently, mayhem ensued once I left. Valor woke up screaming once he realized I was not in the vicinity. Rather than napping, Serene pooped and pulled off her diaper, smearing its contents all over the crib in the process. I returned home and snapped the funniest picture of Alex entirely worn out next to our babes, further convinced stay-at-home fatherhood is not his calling. But he sacrificially watched both babies so that I could relax and recharge. We topped off the day with dinner and nitrogen ice cream nearby.
It was a wonderful birthday doing my favorite things with my favorite people - a testament to how kind God is to me through my dear husband who went above and beyond to serve me ways he knew would touch my heart. He vehemently claims he is not creative and that he hates crafting, but he continues to impress me with his thoughtfulness and creativity. He is my most precious earthly gift, a reflection of God's love for us through Christ!
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