Part of the reason we love where we live is that we get to serve as local missionaries here. In addition to throwing several events every month in order to foster community, we also visit our neighbors every week, whether we are welcoming new residents, caring for them, celebrating their milestones, or checking in on their living satisfaction. When we moved here, Serene was just a month old babe. Alex and I alternated wearing her whenever we ambled around our apartment community. Once Valor was born, Alex and I each sported a baby during our visits. Now that they're both bigger, carrying them for long periods of time is a loftier task. While we can still wear Valor, Serene walks, but usually not quickly enough for us to accomplish our target number of visits in a day. In the fall, we chanced upon a wagon at a thrift shop. I was over the moon! It was so similar to one I had been contemplating getting for the kids for Christmas, except the one we found is an older, discontinued model with lovely weathered, wooden sides. Best of all, it was in perfect working condition, and sold for less than 25% of the retail price. Since then, Serene enthusiastically climbs into the wagon for our neighborhood jaunts. Alex pulls the wagon while I wear Valor. The wagon has been so helpful to tote the kids and event supplies during this season of our lives. For the first time last week, Valor joined his big sister in the wagon. They adored being able to stare at each other as they got pulled around. I couldn't help but snap some pictures; I was dying over the cuteness. Thankful they get to cultivate childhood memories in a little red wagon.
This is so adorable Helen!!