I waited a couple of weeks after Reverie turned 6 months to start her on solids. There's a part of me that doesn't want her to grow up because she's the baby. There's another part of me that couldn't find time to go to the store to pick up veggies because our schedule's been a bit full. There's the other part of me that didn't want her poop to change because solids poop is pretty gross.
Nevertheless, Reverie was more than ready to start solids. She shuddered at the first bite of zucchini, but downed two ounces right after, accompanied by sips of water. We do a combination of purees and baby-led weaning around here, beginning with purees for the first month or so, and then baby-led weaning thereafter.
Serene and Valor both sat on the same highchair Reverie's sitting in, and they were so excited to pass it down to their baby sister. We think it's so funny to see her sitting in it because she looks so little, but she'll need it adjusted as she grows before we know it. We love that Reverie sits with us at mealtimes now. There's something about having meals together that really implies family.
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