My dear Reverie Hope,
At 7 months, you definitely seem like an older baby. You mastered sitting up on your own, switching from sitting to tummy positions and back. You army crawl so hard that you've developed blisters on your feet in an effort to be as mobile as your siblings, or because your family is out of your sight. You army crawl your way to every end of our home in desperate search for us, particularly your mama with whom you have developed separation anxiety. Being in your family's presence is your happy place. You babble constantly, to our delight. You love sitting at the table in the highchair with the rest of the family. You tasted solids for the first time, namely, zucchini, carrots, and butternut squash. You started solids a little later at around 6 and a half months because we've been on the go and have had to improvise. Your first taste of food was actually a cherry tomato at a birthday party. Other on-the-go tastes of solids include green beans, blueberries, and bread. You drink sips of water through a sippy cup and nurse a little less frequently this month than last month because of the solids, about every 3-4 hours. Your naps are usually cut short because our home is a little chaotic, but when the white noise machine is nice and loud, you'll take 2 hour naps at least twice a day. Thankfully, you're sleeping through the night like a champ, anywhere from 10-12 hours (with the exception of our NorCal trip last week). You are an absolute dream of a baby.
Love you so,
P.S. Reverie at 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 months. Plus, her birth story.
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