Friday, February 1, 2019

A second homecoming

We brought Verity home again on Wednesday, January 30, 2019 from a near 3 week stay in the PICU. I feel emotionally drained from the ordeal when I reflect upon it. Perhaps I'll elaborate in Verity's 2 month letter. All I can articulate at the moment is how thankful I am that God preserved her life. His steadfast love never ceases.


  1. Oh no! Did she have RSV or Meningitis? Poor thing. Newborns and viruses are so scary, and even more scary if you have a preemie. I hope you are okay.

    1. yes, she had rsv! it was one of the scariest moments of our lives. we are so thankful she's okay and recovered now. God is good! thank you so much for your compassionate words <3

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