Our big girl is six! Praising God for the precious gift she is to us. Her joyful, sweet, and loving heart is a blessing and example to us. She is a voracious reader and awe-filled learner. She enjoys silly jokes and using her imagination. She is eager to please and tries her best in all that is asked of her. She adores her siblings and is a great example to them as their "jie jie" ("big sister" in Chinese). She loves reading (her current favorites are the Fancy Nancy series, Magic School Bus series, Magic Tree House series, nonfiction science, and nonfiction history), dressing up, pretend playing, drawing, socializing, homeschooling, making real-life connections with all she's learning, the colors pink and purple, jazz and ballet lessons, mermaids, Ariel, read-alouds (her current favorites are Mr. Popper's Penguins and My Father's Dragon), pasta, collecting poems and bits of nature, field trips, and family time.
We celebrated her birthday early on Monday at Disneyland, thanks to a sweet friend who blessed us with entrance. We had a blast and surprisingly lasted all day by grace, largely because of church family who joined us for the adventure. It was so special to see the big kids enjoy Disneyland more now that they're a bit older since the last time we visited two years ago. On the day of Serene's birthday, we had a morning cake smash per tradition. Serene requested a butterfly fairy theme, which I attempted to execute. She was the happiest with new fairy wings, wand, and flower crown from my brother, and Valor made her a slew of birthday cards. We continued celebrating at dinner with extended family and her best friend tonight.
So thankful for Serene's life. She is a constant reminder of God's grace to me. She exhibits contagious joy towards life, which she finds wondrous and exciting. She is patient with me when I am impatient with her. She prays for me, rebukes me when I'm sinning against her and her siblings, and reminds me that Jesus died for our sins on the cross. She has a gentle, teachable sprit. She tries her best to please us and does her best in everything. Praying she'd find her greatest joy in Christ and that she'd continue to have a teachable spirit so that she'd be in awe of the truths in the Lord. We love you so, Sereney!
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