My dear Verity Heart,
Happy 10 months! I can't keep up with how quickly you're growing. You're hyper-aware and cognizant. You're able to sit on your own now, though you don't initiate doing so. If we place you sitting down, you'll tolerate it for a few seconds before inching sideways onto your tummy, your preferred mode of exploration. You scoot and army crawl with finesse, making your way across the room in seconds.
You enjoy solids, usually banana, avocado, squash, sweet potato, or carrots. This month, you began feeding yourself Os as you sat in the high chair for the first time. Other foods you've tried include watermelon, melon, tomato, tofu, and baby teethers. You only allow your daddy or mama to feed you. You love to nurse still, about 4-5 times a day.
You love your siblings and kick your legs in happiness and grin with glee whenever they pay attention to you. They adore you and smother you with kisses all the day long. You love sharing a room with your big sister Reverie, peeking through the crib at her and babbling happily. So thankful for your growing sisterhood.
You're partial toward books, scooting to grab them out of anything else within reach, though you grab at anything within sight. You love when you're thrown into the air, breaking into smiles and splits. Your mama makes you happiest when you're in my arms, but I also make you the most discontent when I leave the room. When you're discontent, you express it by throwing your head back, shaking your head, screeching, or screaming.
You wear some 3 month, mostly 3-6 months, and some 9 month clothing. You wear size 1 shoes and size 2 diapers. Your daddy and I have been quite sentimental this month, feeling particularly grateful God preserved your life and that we've gotten to watch you grow. You are such a gift. We love you so very much.
Love you so,
P.S. Verity at 0 , 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 months. Plus, her birth story.
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