Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Verity turns one

We herald in each of the kids' birthdays with a cake smash in the morning. This tradition has been going strong since Serene turned one. We were gifted a cake the day before Verity's birthday, which was perfect for her breakfast cake smash. Verity loved being sung "Happy Birthday" to, which her siblings executed time and time again to see her eyes light up and a gummy grin spread across her face. She was fascinated by the attention and cake in front of her, reaching to touch it a few times. When it came to tasting it, she wasn't a fan, preferring Os oat cereal instead. It was the funniest, most endearing sight. The big kids had been making cards and books for Verity all month in anticipation of her birthday, which is the sweetest. Verity gravitates towards books all the time, so Serene and Valor were on a mission to make as many of them as possible for their littlest sister. While looking through photos of the other kids at their first birthday cake smash, I was struck by how little Verity is compared to them. The middle of Verity's ears are at the tallest part of the high chair, whereas Reverie's neck is at the tallest part of the high chair, Valor's shoulders are at the tallest part of the high chair, and Serene's shoulders are also at the tallest part of the high chair. So thankful for our baby Heart. I can't believe our littlest babe is one!

P.S. the other kids' first birthday cake smashes: Reverie, Valor, Serene.

1 comment:

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