Thursday, July 18, 2019

A jaunt in the desert

For the past few years, we've made it out to the desert for a few days each summer. I feel like I enjoyed our trip more this year than in years past, probably because I'm not pregnant and also because it was a welcome respite from the everyday. There had been a lot occurring in ministry and I was in the thick of wedding season. We were grateful to get away to spend time with one another as a family. Some of the highlights included swimming in the hotel pool (Verity's first pool encounter), which was steps away from our room; eating the best toffee we've ever had; journeying through the time of the dinosaurs; discovering a children's museum; and just taking lots of naps. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm quite looking forward to our next jaunt to the desert.

1 comment:

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