My dear Verity Heart,
This past month has been all about your feet. You're fascinated by them, these new favorite toys of yours. You grab them, stare at them, stick them in your mouth, and repeat. The cutest sight to behold is your feet sticking straight into the air from your lounger, waving around until you grab onto them. Consequently, you're more mobile this month. You roll from tummy to back, and from back to tummy less than a week ago quite comfortably. You roll from side to side as you suck your fingers, coo, and babble. You articulate iterations of "ahh" and "mmm" interjected by high pitched squeals and lip smacking, for you've discovered the growing capabilities of your voice.
You are a social baby, content in the company of your siblings who adore you so and glady do tummy time with you on the blanket in the living room. You grin at them and babble at them as they fawn over you. You're happiest in the presence of your parents, kicking madly and beaming from ear to ear when you catch sight of your daddy or me. We love to nuzzle your neck and tummy with kisses, which makes you laugh uncontrollably. You smile at your reflection in the mirror. You feel safest in my arms or sling, observing the world with wide eyes like a little koala. You involuntarily grasp at anything within reach, whether it is our hands, our hair, a toy, your blanket.
You recently went through a growth spurt, waking more often at night to eat. When I'm gone, you'll take the bottle only from a select number of people, including your daddy. You nurse on average every 2.5-3 hours during the day. You wear 0-3 month and 3-6 month clothing, size 0 shoes, and size 1 diapers. You'll be transitioning diaper sizes this coming month though. So grateful you're growing and thriving, littlest baby. We are thankful every day you are here with us. You are an undeserved gift. We hold you close and pray we steward you well as you grow in grace.
Love you so,
P.S. Verity at 0 , 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 months. Plus, her birth story.
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