Life lately entails lots of sweet bonding time with our littlest babe as she nurses around the clock. Alex was on paternity leave and graciously took the two older kids out at least once a day the past three weeks so I could rest, clean the house, or care for just Reverie. Either that, or Alex's family or our church family kindly watched Serene and Valor. It has been so helpful as we adjust to three kiddos, and so good for Serene and Valor as our community fills their love tanks up. It really takes a village. We are so thankful for all the beautiful souls who unconditionally love our kids and teach them about Christ. My heart soars to hear Serene recount her brother's and her adventures with our church family. Whenever they come home from anywhere though, the first person they ask for is their baby sister. It melts my heart every time as they run through the door looking for her. She's their favorite little person.
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