Our sweet baby boy turned two today! To celebrate, we showered Valor with his favorite things, which include "Jumbajum" (Jean Valjean, his stuffed puppy - see here, here, here, here, and here), "woof woof" (puppies), "boon" (balloons), "bahbo" (bubbles), "Mee" (Mickey Mouse), "teetee" (cookies), and "mee" (milk). We scattered paw print balloons throughout the living room and hung some from the dining room ceiling to serve as a simple backdrop for Valor's cake smash. We ushered in his birthday this morning with chocolate bundt cake from a local bakery. Alex used oil pastels to create a Jean Valjean cake topper, which Valor could not stop exclaiming over in adoration. Serene sang multiple rounds of "happy birthday" with gusto and helped him blow out his candles. We had cake and milk for breakfast before opening presents. Serene picked out a bouncy ball and bubbles for her baby brother. Valor also received a magnetic drawing pad, a Mickey basketball bath toy, and a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse playset. Valor loved all his little gifts, clutching them tightly in his hands throughout the day.
At two years old, Valor has a tender heart. He is affectionate, running to us for hugs (he reciprocates by hugging with his head) and often asking for "han!" (to hold hands). He is compassionate, checking on us when he thinks we're in pain (like when we sneeze or yelp "ow!"). He is sensitive, quickly sensing the change in our tone of voice and mood. He is quick to ask for forgiveness when he disobeys, wailing and uttering pitifully "Gaahd" (God, forgive me for disobeying). He is all over the place, pulling, twisting, opening, banging, throwing, breaking, and rummaging through everything. He loves to eat, preferring meat, veggies, snacks, but not carbs. His favorite foods include "cheese", "cohcoyn" (popcorn), "nack" (snack), "teetee" (cookies), "meat", "fute" (fruit), "ano" (oranges/strawberries), and roasted veggies. He enjoys building with and sticking magnetic blocks everywhere. He is fascinated with "ahmo" (animals), especially "woof woof" (dogs), "meow meow" (cats), and "elfin" (elephants). He enjoys coloring and "beetz" (stringing beads). He role plays with play kitchen toys. He loves to play outside and does so with zeal, running, jumping, picking "fowah" (flowers) and going down the "fee" (slide). He affirms questions with a hearty, raspy "yah!" He is silly, making us laugh by plopping himself into downward dog position or sticking stickers on his face. He jumps and runs around in circles to his favorite song, "dun dun" (La La Land's "Another Day of Sun"). He speaks in mostly singular words, garnering endearing utterances like "oooh," "uhmm," and "aiyiyi!". He is always aware when any one of us is not there, repeatedly asking for "dahyee" (daddy), "mami" (mommy), "jiejie" (big sister), or "baby." He spends his days imitating and running after his big sister, his best friend with whom he has silly conversations such as:
Valor: Rahz (Rice).
Me: Rice?
Valor: (nods)
Serene: Booboo, you can't just eat rice. You have to eat eggs too. You have to eat real food.
Valor: Ooooh!
We can't believe we have a two-year-old son. We love his round head and chunky legs. We love his tender heart and zealous personality. We are thankful God has gifted him to us. He brings us much heart-melting joy. We love you so much, Valor! May you ascertain that our love for you is merely a shadow of God's great love for you in Christ Jesus!
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