Sunday, August 1, 2021

Letters to Candor: 4 months

My dear Candor Sage,

If only I could memorize your sweet, little frame. How you laughed breathily for the first time on July 7, 2021. The way your whole face lights up and your eyes crinkle happily when you brandish huge, gummy grins. How you wiggle from side to side in happiness. How you kick with your little legs and bounce cheerily in your chair, especially in the presence of your siblings. How your fingers clutch onto my shirt and arms while nursing. How your velvety little body curves around me in contentment when I hold you. How you're happiest when I'm in your sight. How you coo and gurgle happily while sucking your fingers. Your wide-eyed curiosity in unfamiliar surroundings. How you nurse exclusively so when I'm away working weddings, you refuse to eat until I get home. How you transitioned to size 2 diapers at 3.5 months and how you wear 0-3 month and are starting to wear 3-6 month clothing. How you've been blessing us with a 7-8 hour stretch per night. How you're the best littlest gift of a son. I adore you deeply, wholeheartedly, my littlest baby.

Love you so,

P.S. Candor at 0, 1, 2, 3 months and his birth story.

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