My dear Verity Heart,
How is each month better than the last? You are a jolly, sweet babe who loves being social. You're partial to being held or worn, love hanging out on your little rug in the living room in the company of your siblings who fawn over you, and wail when you're left alone. When you're given attention, you grin, wiggle your body in contentment, and utter repetitions and variations of "ah" in earnest conversation with your beholder, thereby melting our hearts and charming us all. You're discovering your voice and have begun to squeal. You also laughed for the first time a few days ago - a quiet, breathy giggle.
You're waking up once again at night to feed again after an average 6 hours of sleep. I've missed the 8-9 hour stretches from last month, but your doctor had recommended we wake you up once a night to eat since you're pretty little. Glad we didn't have to do that and you've been waking on your own. When you do sleep, you do so with your hands up to your face and with the pacifier. Thankfully, you've discovered your fingers this month and have entertained yourself by sucking your fingers. Tummy time is a breeze for you now and your head control is quite good. You're more comfortable with rolling from your tummy to your back, especially onto your left but also sporadically onto your right. When you eat, you arch your back and develop such gassiness that you scream cry until you're burped over the shoulder. You love being held this way.
I think you're about 10 lbs. You wear size 1 diapers, 0-3 month clothing, and newborn shoes. You're still using the full newborn insert in your car seat. I'm in disbelief you're now 5 months. Thankful you're our littlest baby because you'll be a baby longer.
Love you so,
P.S. Verity at 0 , 1, 2, 3, and 4 months. Plus, her birth story.
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