My dear Verity Heart,
We're so thankful God has blessed you with half a year of life! I can't believe you're 6 months already, although you seem younger. You just hit 11 lbs and measure 23" long. You wear size 1 diapers, 0-3 month clothing, and size 0 shoes. We just removed the newborn insert in your car seat, though the headrest is still intact. Though your littleness entails you're closer to a new baby, you're losing your full head of newborn hair by the minute and are nearly bald. I'm not surprised since the same happened to your older sisters, but I'm pretty bummed because you had the most hair at birth so I was hoping you'd keep it a while.
You suck your fingers in earnest, which sometimes soothes you to sleep, though you still take the pacifier eagerly. You are accustomed to sleeping at home in your little lounger, and have come to prefer a muslin blanket to pull by your face to sleep. Otherwise you'll nap in my sling, but not for long. You typically nurse about every three hours and take three naps a day. You're sensitive to noise now, and are often unintentionally awakened by one of us during the day. White noise helps a bit to soften your siblings' and parents' chatter, but you are not a happy baby to be startled awake. You sleep on average six hours at night, waking once to feed in the early morning before going back to sleep again.
Being out and about is exciting and stimulating, and you gaze at the world in curiosity from the safety of the sling. You're happiest in the company of others, grinning with your whole face when you lock eyes with one of us. You're drooling quite a bit now. You giggle and coo, arching your body in contentment. Your hands grasp at any object within reach, though not intentionally. You're so close to rolling from your back to your tummy. You've begun to try to pull yourself to sit upright when we hold you; the view from my lap is your favorite. You're growing and developing at your own pace, for which we watch and wait with adoration. We can't handle your cuddly sweetness. You love kisses on your cheeks, raspberries on your belly, and peekaboo with your little feet. We spend quality time with you when your siblings are in bed for the night, and it's pretty much one of our favorite times of day. I just want to snuggle with you all day and rejoice in the sweetness you are.
Love you so,
P.S. Verity at 0 , 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 months. Plus, her birth story.
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