My dear Verity Heart,
You are growing! You just hit 14 lbs and measure 25" at nine months. You wear size 3-6 month clothing, size 2 diapers, and size 1 shoes. This past month started out a bit rocky for you. You had congestion and a fever for about 4 days before breaking out into a rash, all symptoms of roseola. You were such a trooper though, enduring the week with lots of cuddles amid the full activitiy of summer's end.
You're active and busy. In addition to rolling everywhere, you began scooting the last days of August, making your way across the living room floor to grab objects to stuff into your mouth. Your favorite teethers are books, to our chagrin. You also enjoy pulling cords and licking furniture legs. You're clicking your tongue, babbling, giggling, and just indulging in silliness. You can sit for a couple of seconds before falling over. Perhaps you'll sit up on your own fully this coming month.
You're nursing less since you eat two meals a day of veggies or fruit. New foods you've tried this month include banana, avocado, and a bit of chicken. You began eating mashed foods a week ago instead of merely purees. You sit in the Bumbo a bit straighter now and you also hold your own bottle of water. Such grace in these milestones!
You grin, kick, and giggle whenever you catch sight of anyone in your family, but your mama is your favorite person. You love resting your head on my chest and hugging my arms as I hold you. It is the sweetest to envelope you and be enveloped back. You developed some separation anxiety this month. I am your favorite soother, although you're also partial to the pacifier. You stick the pacifier in your own mouth. You also love your kitten stuffie, Fantine. You love having her by your face in order to fall asleep. You nap in the pack n play or on a blanket on the living room floor. We put you back in your shared room with Reverie about a week ago at night, which prompted you to sleep through the night again, which you haven't done since you were about 3 months. We are so thankful for how God is growing you. We rejoice at each evidence of grace in your life. We love you, we love you, we love you so, littlest.
Love you so,
P.S. Verity at 0 , 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 months. Plus, her birth story.
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