My dear Reverie Hope,
You are eight months too soon! You crawl and pull up onto your knees. You love to feed yourself everything from roasted or steamed squash, broccoli, carrots, cabbage; Os oat cereal; oatmeal; and fruit like avocado and pear. Your two bottom teeth sprouted through the surface of your gums this month. You shovel food into your mouth without time to chew with your gums. Your favorite utterances are repetitions of "ma," "ba," and "va." There's a lot of squealing interspersed too. You are a content baby as long as you're not left by your lonesome. You are happiest when your family is within sight. Baths make you kick your legs with glee too. I feel like you've grown much longer this month, which makes me wistful. You are the cutest wrapped in a towel after a bath though. We adore you so. We all can't help but smile when we look at you. Your nicknames include Reverie baby, Rev, Sweetsweet, and Littlest. Your siblings delight in you and clamor to hold you and smother you with affection any chance they get. You are dearly loved, my sweet baby. So loved by your family and even more so by the Savior.
Love you so,
P.S. Reverie at 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 months. Plus, her birth story.
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