My dear Verity Heart,
There's no looking (back). You're one month away from one year. I'm astounded by how quickly time has flown. You're giggly, clingy, and vocal this month. You utter repetitions of "wah!" and "ah!" which often prove a lovely distraction in normally quiet settings (like during Sunday services). You're social, grinning at others as long as you're snug and safe in my sling. You explore everywhere, scooting and army crawling. You're still not preferring to sit, but will lean forward in sitting position if propped up to do so. Once you're sitting, you lean forward in no time to land on your tummy, your favorite position in order to scoot and crawl.
You're nursing about 4 times a day, and eating mostly 2 but sometimes 3 meals a day. You love everything you've tried so far, especially bananas, avocado, chicken, Os, carrots, squash, etc. You dislike water. You are self-feeding more often this month. You're doing so well grabbing items with your thumb and forefinger. In terms of size, you're wearing 3-6 and 6-12 month clothing, size 1 shoes, and size 2 diapers.
You love your family so. You respond to any of the nicknames your siblings and daddy have given you: Vetty, Vetaly, Skippity, Bippity, Mermony, Natalie, and baby Heart. Your big brother is convinced you don't sin. You pretty much light up our lives. We can't wait to celebrate the grace in your life soon.
Love you so,
P.S. Verity at 0 , 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 months. Plus, her birth story.
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