My dear Reverie Hope,
At 11 months, you are our littlest baby yet. You weigh 15 lbs 11 oz and measure 27 1/2 inches long. You wear size 2 diapers, size 2 shoes, 3-6 month and 6-12 month clothing. You are a cuddly babe, happiest in my arms, especially securely in a wrap where you'll rest your head against my chest and snuggle close, all while sucking your right thumb. The world is the most fascinating place from your vantage point. You grin at anyone who initiates a smile, kicking your legs in giddiness. You babble, squeal, wave, and smack your lips to give us kisses. You speed crawl, pull up masterfully, and cruise a couple of steps at a time as you make your moves, exploring the world and turning it upside down in the process. You cry pitifully and reach for us longingly if we disappear from sight. Your favorite word is "mama" to communicate your desire to be picked you up or to be nursed. You're feeding approximately 4 times a day: when you wake up around 8:30am, after your nap in the early afternoon, in the early evening, and once more before you sleep around 7:30am-8:00pm. However, you're also fine without milk if I'm not around; you abhor milk from a bottle and aren't a big fan of water so you compensate with food, which you love. You shovel food in your mouth with fervor. Particular favorites this month include Os oat cereal, applesauce, sauteed zucchini, turkey meatball, bone broth with veggies, string cheese, strawberries, blueberries, chicken, dumplings, eggs, spinach, avocado, and fish.
You're a dreamy sleeper, but are too distracted to nap most of the time if we're out and about. Normally, you wake up at 8:30am, take a morning nap until 11am, take an afternoon nap around 1:30pm, take an evening nap around 6:30pm, and sleep around 8pm. You are also quite flexible though if you don't get a morning or evening nap. You suck your right thumb as a sign of tiredness, which is a late cue for your need for sleep. You are a sociable babe when you're awake, for you adore other little babies and children. Your siblings are indubitably your favorite little people though. We're thankful you all get to grow up together, Lord willing to fear Him and make Him known. We are humbled we get to be your parents. You melt our hearts everyday with your sweetness. We enjoy you so, littlest. You are so deeply loved.
Love you so,
P.S. Reverie at 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 months. Plus, her birth story.
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